unveiling your past

  • the first step is to complete your seven question inquiry. the reasons for asking these seven questions, I am unsure of. when it was clear to me I would be creating art in this fashion, it was communicated, these questions are important in order to connect to the correct lives. i only refer to them once or twice throughout the process of creating your painting.

  • all my paintings are done on a blank 24x24 inch canvas. an explication video will be included with your painting diving into the different levels and information I’ve been guided with. my main genre is oil, sometimes interjecting acrylics as well. creating your painting requires different deep meditation forms. the colors I use come through the meditation process. much of my time painting I am completely unaware of. many times, the information for each painting comes to me very fast. I rarely am able to stop to consider color, texture and lines. I become entranced and follow what is communicated. all paintings are individual to the specific client.

  • the completion time is unknown but ranges from 3-10 weeks. this time frame also ensures your painting will be dry enough to safely pack and ship. upon completion, your painting will be shipped.

  • your explication chart will be viewable via email for you to understanding your past lives. I strongly encourage my clients to spend one-on-one time with your painting. it’s exciting to experience the mysteries only you can identify. i’m confident, connecting with your painting will be very complex and surprisingly familiar. this guide outlines specific life points that were identified through the painting process. Included with this, you are offered the chance to schedule a complimentary 15-minute web call to review the findings of your past lives in abstract.


the price for your past lives in abstract painting is $1,500 for 24x24

oil on canvas painting.


we ship internationally from our Denver studio. each painting is hand-packed to ensure the integrity and safety of your painting. shipping cost is not included in PLiA pricing,


the completion time ranges from 3-10 weeks. this time frame also ensures your painting will be dry enough to safely pack and ship.