about sharon

Thank you for your curiosity and time to visit Past Lives In Abstract.  I would like to share a bit about myself and how this unique odyssey began.

City life fascinates me and therefore my husband and I reside in Downtown Denver, CO.

Having a niche in a diverse community provides a sense of personal daily growth enhancing my creative self soul.

My meditation practices are not doctrine to a specific routine but instead were defined years ago as a simple quiet time where I can check in and check out. It was through an evening of relaxation quietness that the energy for painting past lives came through. This communication expressed clear directives for building self trust in my ability to accomplish diving into the pasts of others and representing shared information in the form of paint.

And there lies the beginning…

As I began this uncharted and unknowing vision, the dots started connecting.

I was left with impressions I have learned to trust.

For more than 25 years I’ve had recurring nightmares of walking with Bears. As I’ve developed my intuition I realize it’s a journey of trust in a deep sense of self freedom and expression.  Strength and courage.

Best to all in your adventures of life~

Sharon Kay Simon-Kopf

about william mac

Canadian transplant residing in Colorado. Husband, Father and Grandfather. Art lover - Frankenthaler, Miro, Warhol, Kandinsky, Lichtenstein, / could go on... Music Lover - Rolling Stones to Ramones and everything in between. When not painting, I am immersed in Post War architecture and find inspiration in the strong lines and angles. I am in a constant flux of refurbishing a 1956 MCM home and enjoy all the intricacies that come with that. My painting style? Hard to say, as it changes, is fluid, and my pieces tend to go off in their own direction, whether that is my intention or not...

Why abstract? As Frank Stella once said "what you see is what you see." And that is the beauty with abstract art - as it allows the viewer to make up their own story - the capacity to form their own vision of the piece they are viewing. Anyone can paint a flower - abstract expressionism allows the artist the freedom to convey how a flower feels...and no viewer is ever wrong - they see what they see..