past lives in abstract.

Sharon Simon Sharon Simon

My Muse Sound

My Muse Sound

When I am creating whether it is painting or writing, Sound has a keen effect on my artistry. I will state with no doubt, Sound is always there to guide my direction.

Sounds directives have no boundaries. It may boom, roar, or sing through music to get my attention. Sometimes it comes as a soft hum.

Sound can much of the time seem like distractions or annoyances. No matter the key or tone that Sound decides to delegate its communication to me, I have now learned to understand its significance in all my artistry.

I stay aware catching Sounds notes. I ignore NO sounds that may come my way and allow Sound to help me navigate to my highest high.

Then I Fly!

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Sharon Simon Sharon Simon

Acrylic Vs. Oil, Oil Vs. Acrylic

Acrylic vs. Oil, Oil vs. Acrylic

No conflict!

I use both and it’s Fabulous.

Acrylics dry fast, fast, fast. Which is cool beans when my mojo is on. Slowing down for a paint dry before being able to continue can sometimes slam a giant kink in my moment when I’m feeling on fire.

Oils create such a depth of colors. The control of mixing colors is so Out of Control. Just the way I like to approach my paint. The silkiness and smoothness is like icing a cake.

So with benefits from both, use both. Why not. I love using acrylics as a base before I start applying oils on top. It gives my paintings a texture and depth not achieved in their own elements alone.

I have found I can create rich colors from acrylic paints especially when I reapply multiple layers on top of each other. Lots and Lots of layers. Maybe 4 or maybe 6 or maybe even 12 layers of similar color to create badass strokes and dimension with no wait to dry. And yet sometimes the cream and luxery of oil paints is worth the nail biting wait.

I honestly have never applied acrylic on top of oil, only oil on top of acrylic. Ive read this is a big no! But now that I am writing this blog I’ve decided I’m going to try acrylic on top of oil and find out what happens. Want to see how that goes.

Its art. Gotta push past the rules!

Let me know your experiences if you’ve got them or going to try them.

Im waiting anxiously.

Sharon Kay Simon-Kopf

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Sharon Simon Sharon Simon

Stepping off the Bridge

Finding my souls voice was not too hard. Living my souls voice was.

Ive always had inclinations and intuitions of life directions not valued in the “sane” world. Interests in Tarot, spirits, UFO’s, and reincarnation to name a short list of the subjects Ive spent years learning about.

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