walk through your lives & connect with your past

welcome and thank you for visiting past lives in abstract

my name is Sharon

unveiling your past

  • the first step is to complete your seven question inquiry. the reasons for asking these seven questions, I am unsure of. when it was clear to me I would be creating art in this fashion, it was communicated that these questions are important in order to connect to the correct lives. i only refer to them once or twice throughout the process of creating your painting.

  • all my paintings are done on a blank 24x24 inch canvas. my main medium is oil, sometimes interjecting acrylics as well. creating your painting requires different deep meditation forms. the colors I use come through the meditation process. much of my time painting I am completely unaware of. many times, the information for each painting comes to me very fast. I rarely am able to stop to consider color, texture and lines. all paintings are individual to the specific client, therefore the completion time is unknown but ranges from 3-6 weeks. this time frame also ensures your painting will be dry enough to safely pack and ship.

  • your painting will be shipped

  • your explication chart is only the first step in understanding your past lives. I strongly encourage my clients to spend one-on-one time with your painting. it’s exciting to experience the mysteries only you can identify. i’m confident, connecting with your painting will be very complex and surprisingly familiar.

compositions and reviews

Thank you for your curiosity and time to visit Past Lives In Abstract.  I would like to share a bit about myself and how this unique odyssey began.

City life fascinates me and therefore my husband and I reside in Downtown Denver, CO.

Having a niche in a diverse community provides a sense of personal daily growth enhancing my creative self soul.

My meditation practices are not doctrine to a specific routine but instead were defined years ago as a simple quiet time where I can check in and check out. It was through an evening of relaxation quietness that the energy for painting past lives came through. This communication expressed clear directives for building self trust in my ability to accomplish diving into the pasts of others and representing shared information in the form of paint.

And there lies the beginning…

As I began this uncharted and unknowing vision, the dots started connecting.

I was left with impressions I have learned to trust.

For more than 25 years I’ve had recurring nightmares of walking with Bears. As I’ve developed my intuition I realize it’s a journey of trust in a deep sense of self freedom and expression.  Strength and courage.

Best to all in your adventures of life~

Sharon Kay Simon-Kopf

about sharon

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